What do I do with it: Cooking Blog

I just heard about this blog, public radio kitchen

As they say, it’s a site devoted to

“Recipes and cooking tips & opinions on all things edible served up by  You, Our Listeners. From locavores to omnivores, professional chefs to local food bloggers, all are welcome!”.

It looks to be a site with some good ideas, amazing pictures and either instructions or links to instructions on cooking (roasting chicken example ). Also the blog roll of related cooking sites (on the right hand panel) is so extensive, it’d have to rain another 5 days in a row for me to get through it. Go to the category box and scroll down to salad for great ideas & pictures.

It is a Boston based site (sponsored by WBUR, public radio), so if your vacation was at home this Summer, it’s also a vicarous travel site. The pictures of FISH! are really cool and the restaurant descriptions are fun to read.

One Response to “What do I do with it: Cooking Blog”

  1. Ying Jacklin Says:

    After reading

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